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General information about the bank




Identification data and details of the Bank

Full name of the Bank in Russian: Акционерное общество Коммерческий Банк «Долинск».

Abbreviated brand name of the Bank in Russian: КБ «Долинск» (АО).

Full business name in English: Commercial bank «Dolinsk» (joint stock company).

Abbreviated brand name in English: CB "Dolinsk" (JSC).

INN 6500001204 OGRN 1026500538240

Registration number of the credit institution 857

Address: Komsomolskaya street, 145, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Region, 693010.


The activity

CB "Dolinsk" (JSC), Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russian Federation, has been operating in the banking services market since November 1990. It has been founded in the city of Dolinsk under the auspices of the Sakhalin outlet of the USSR Promstroybank branch.

It is a member of the Deposit Insurance System, the Mir National Payment System, the Fast Payment System and the SWIFT Association.

The Bank operates pursuant to the Basic license to carry out banking operations with funds in rubles and foreign currency (authorized to attract funds of individuals to deposits) and is not authorized to carry out banking operations with precious metals.

Since December 2021, Dolinsk Bank has been part of one of the largest food groups of companies in Russia under the management of «Konditerus Kom» JSC, that owns the «KDV» and «Yarche» groups of companies. The basis of the group consists of companies involved in the production and sale of confectionery, snacks and spices, including a number of companies that has been established and operated since 1996 (Siberia, Russia). The group possesses its own trading network under the trademark "Yarche" (Russia). The group is also engaged in the international wholesale sales activities, a number of group manufactured products are recognizable and has found a market abroad.

Currently, CB «Dolinsk» (JSC) is a credit institution offering both individuals and corporate clients a wide range of banking products and services in rubles and currency. Among the main services are: lending to corporate clients and individuals; settlement and cash services for corporate and private clients; collecting and delivering of funds; bank cards issuing and maintaining; depositing.


Boards and controlling entities


Supervisory Board of the Bank:

Popov Vitaly Nikolaevich – Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Urbanaev Namjil Nimaevich - Member of the Supervisory Board.

Komardina Oksana Georgievna - Member of the Supervisory Board.

Kornienko Evgeny Viktorovich - Member of the Supervisory Board.

Kornilova Darya Alekseevna - Member of the Supervisory Board.


Board of the Bank:

Urbanaev Namjil Nimaevich - Chairman of the Board.

Novokreschenov Andrey Vitalyevich - Deputy Chairman of the Board.

Golovchiner Georgy Mikhailovich - Deputy Chairman of the Board.

Lebedev Pavel Aleksandrovich - Deputy Chairman of the Board.

Suslova Lidiya Petrovna – Deputy Chairman of the Board.

Terina Olga Aleksandrovna – Member of the Management Board, Chief Accountant.


You may get acquainted with the information about the controlling entities of CB "Dolinsk" (JSC).

Курс валют на 03.03.2025

Покупка Продажа ЦБ РФ
10CNY/RUB 115.00 135.50 120.7540
EUR/RUB 91.50 98.50 91.5655
100JPY/RUB 53.00 66.00 58.9873
USD/RUB 80.00 103.00 88.2568
Покупка Продажа ЦБ РФ
EUR/RUB 88.1702 97.0112 91.5655
100JPY/RUB 55.0840 61.4800 58.9873
USD/RUB 84.7795 93.2100 88.2568
EUR/JPY - - 155.2292
EUR/USD - - 1.0375
USD/JPY - - 149.6200

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